2024 Memberships now due!
Membership of the British Samoyed Club is open to all. As a member of the Club you will receive two copies of our magazine Sammy Talk each year, and also details of our shows and other activities we organise.
As a member you can enter our shows at a reduced entry fee, and be entitled to win one of our many trophies, which are on offer.
The Club expects members to observe a Code of Ethics, which has been agreed by the Samoyed Breed Council.
A copy of our membership form is available on our Downloads page. Should you decide to join, will you please print out, complete and return the form to our Treasurer. Subscriptions for membership are due on 1st January every year, but any new applications received after 31st October will cover you for the following year.
Membership payment can be made by bank transfer using the following details (please note cheques are no longer accepted):
Account name: British Samoyed Club
Sort code 40-46-04
Account number 51080970
For internal purposes please ensure that you title the payment with your POSTCODE so we can make sure you receive your newsletter.
Current Membership fees are as follows:- Single £9.00 Joint: £10.00 Overseas: £11.00 Please do consider joining us.
Data Protection
The rules about Data Protection are changing, new rules come into force on the 24th May, please read our GDPR Privacy Notice to find out how it effects you. Click this link BSC GDPR Privacy Notice May 2018